Report on the 5/14/2000 counter-MMM rally in San Diego, CA,
posted that evening by Travis McGee on


Source: Travis McGee
Published: May 14, 2000 Author: Travis McGee
Posted on 05/14/2000 16:12:29 PDT by Travis McGee

First report from the San Diego "Million Moron Moms" TRT counter demonstration follows. It was bright and sunny at 1PM, the MMM were set up in the hollow quad of a large "U" shaped government education building with a stage at the deep end of the "U". The TRT was marching on the wide sidewalks along a major 6 lane artery "El Cajon Blvd" across the open end of the "U". Joe Brower is the main mover of the San Diego TRT, he is dog tired after weeks of around the clock work, so I am humbly reporting for him while he goes home and assumes the prone position. Jim Cammarano and John Dobyne of the California NRA Member's Council along with too many stalwarts to name provided a big RV with awning for our "field HQ" front and center just off the street. TRT T-shirts, hats, and buttons were available, and lots of our team were wearing the blue and gold colors of the TRT.

About 400 MMMers filled the grassy quad listening to tearful tales of amplified woe, while about 300 TRTers whooped it up right alongside them on El Cajon Blvd, waving signs and eliciting honks from the passing motorists. Most of the MMMers appeared to be government school teachers and government workers "encouraged" to attend, while the TRTers were spirited and festive citizens of all ages and types, from retired business gents to teenagers and kids. A dozen or so friendly officers from San Diego's finest milled around the mostly friendly site. Some heated shouts were passed back and forth, but the TRTers kept their cool and I saw no physical altercations.

My sign read "CRIMINALS LOVE GUN CONTROL, unarmed victims are easy" on one side and "RAPISTS LOVE UNARMED MOMS" on the other. I had FreeRepublic under my messages, and I met FReeper Myrrdin among others, and I promoted FR to all the TRTers I talked with. All 300 or so of us had signs, of every style type and color, the MMMers had mass produced lame pink signs. It was pathetic seeing the MMM men wearing pink t-shirts with "honorary mom" stickers on them. I asked of few of these would-be eunuchs "when are you getting the operation, and making it official"? Our side was loud and proud, but except for their PA system, the MMM side was pink and pathetic.

It was a terrific day for the freedom fighters, which put up a great true grass-roots counter demonstration to the city-sponsored and promoted Moron Moms. The TRT arrived first and left last, so the "ewes" had to walk through and past us on the way in and out! Joe Brower and the other TRT and NRA members did a great job, lots of contacts were made, and we are ready to roll the next time the gun grabbers bleat their slavish sheep wails!

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